If there is one thing that I use A LOT in my crafting (other than muslin shreds, of course!) it’s buttons. There are so many fabulous buttons out there that need a home and a second chance at appreciation. So, today I am talking all about vintage buttons. With a little bit of knowledge, you will be on your way to curating your own vintage button collection!

All About Vintage Buttons
There are so many different types on buttons out there. You can find wooden, glass, bone, brass, silver, plastic, colorful, crocheted, the list goes on. Each one gives a unique look and feel. Each one has its own unique story.
If you are at an antique market and come across a vendor that specializes in buttons and you have time, stop for a few. They usually know a lot about buttons. And, if nothing else, it gives you a great feel for the huge variety of buttons that you can find.

Many of them have cards that they have sewn their vintage buttons to, with pricing right on it. That gives you an idea of how much the many types of buttons will cost. That way, when you are button browsing, you will know if a certain type is more than you want to spend.
Or which ones will make great filler buttons, etc. You will also learn which types you really love and be able to keep your eyes pealed for those!
Glass Buttons
Glass buttons are a beautiful addition to any collection. They come in many different styles and shapes. Some will be cut in lovely shapes or designs. While others are made to look just like regular buttons. The way to tell if a button is glass is that, for one, it will be shiny.
They are also usually a little cold. Glass buttons also make a distinctive ping when they hit a hard another piece of glass or a hard surface. Once you have been around them for awhile, you can also distinguish a distinct texture of the glass.

Bone Buttons
Bone buttons are one of oldest type of buttons there are. They were first used in France centuries before they gained in popularity and became widely used in throughout the 19th century. Bone buttons were often carved with great skill to look like ivory. And they were appreciated for their strength, clean looks, and versatility.
You can tell a bone button because their holes are always much larger than traditional button holes. Modern “bone” buttons are made of synthetic materials and carved to look like the original thing. But the authentic buttons are definitely a piece of history.
Colorful Buttons
You know that I love using neutral colors in my home. So cream and white buttons are usually my go to. Another reason that I have a ton of the neutral colored buttons is that they are so much more readily available. These colors were (and probably still are) much more commonly worn.
But pretty colorful buttons still have an important role in my life! I always keep a bag on hand. Because a I never know when a colorful button is exactly what I need to tie a project or a bow together perfectly.

Brass and Silver Buttons
Some of my absolute favorite buttons fall into this category. There is so much art and craftsmanship that goes into these buttons. Each one is absolutely beautiful. These pretties tend to be more pricy because of the detail of each one. But I absolutely love finding them.
For these, I use them in projects that will really let their beauty and originality shine. Using them on the vintage bottles that I decorate is always fun. Or steampunk creations. I also like adding these to frames that I decorate. Anytime that I can give one a spot where I can admire it, I get so excited!
Ways to Display your Buttons
There are almost as many ways to incorporate vintage buttons into your decor as there are buttons themselves. I love to use them in my craft projects. And I also find cute ways to display them in groups. I like to look for cute little vintage containers to pile some buttons in.
A small dish, a salt, or a tea cup can all be used to as vessels for you buttons. Then work them into larger a larger dish with other items. Or into a vignette for added beauty, detail, and texture!
I also love to make button strings and button garlands. They lay beautifully into larger arrangements and add beauty and texture (even color!) to any area in your home. If you want to learn how to make your own button garlands, you can go to my YouTube channel and search “buttons”. Or you can find the tutorial here on the blog.

In both places I show you step by step how to make these adorable garlands. They are really simple to do and a great way to drape your vintage treasures into your decor. One of my favorite things to do with the button garlands is to lay them into greenery or wreaths. Their colors pop so beautifully against the greens. And they cling easily to the texture of the greeneries.
The Wrap Up
And that is some of what I know about buttons! I am not an expert on their histories or manufacturing. But I sure do love each and every one that I find. Since I use them so much in the projects that I share with you, I wanted to get into some of the basics of buttons so you will be able to build your own collection.
You can also find bags of buttons on my website! I have beautiful collections of cream ones. And also bags that are a mixed variety. You can find them all here!
I would love to see how you use buttons in your own home. So if you post any pictures of your button displays on social media, tag me so I can check them out! As always, I hope you love this project as much as I do. Happy crafting, friends!

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Tami’s cell phone number: 740-273-6693
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