I love to use button garlands in my vintage decor projects! I use them as finishing touches to my vintage crafts. And drape them into my arrangements. Today I am showing you how to make button garlands for your own home!
If you are part of my Facebook family, you have seen many of the vintage decor that I have displayed around our home. I love working these garlands in because they are a soft accessory that adds subtle details and texture.
Recently, several of you asked about my button garlands and how I make them. So I made a video tutorial all about how to make button garlands. I’ve included that video for you below. I hope you love these vintage garlands as much as I do!

How to Make Button Garlands
Hemp is a little darker and it is twisted more tightly. That makes it stronger than jute or twine. It also makes it easier to thread and string the buttons. You won’t be pulling and tugging through the imperfections of the twine or jute.
And don’t get me wrong, I love both of those strings. It’s their imperfections and texture that add so much dimension to my crafty projects. But our focus in this project is mostly on the buttons. And the hemp doesn’t let the buttons slide around.
So if you are doing a button garland where the buttons are spaced out, you definitely want hemp. If you are making a stacked button garland, using this stiffer string that will hold the weight of the buttons is important.

Tips and Tricks
This project is very simple so I don’t have too many tips for you this time. But I do have a few! The first is to have a sharp pair of scissors on hand while you are working. This will help you because, as you thread your buttons, the end of your string will start to fray. A frayed end makes it hard to add your buttons.
So, when the end starts to come undone, just snip it off and you have a fresh start!

Another thing to keep in mind is to alternate your button types. In a spaced garland, you get to see all the beauty of each button. So choose ones that you want to show off and mix them up to add interest to the piece.
In a stacked garland, if you use too many of the same kind back to back, it all just blends and the buttons get lost. Alternate your buttons between different shapes and textures so they will pop. And keep in mind that you won’t see the faces of the buttons in this style garland. For this reason, I hold back my alabaster buttons and others like them so I can appreciate them fully in other projects.
How to Make Button Garlands Supply List
- Buttons! Large, small, colorful, or neutral…whatever you love or have on hand. If you don’t have a large button collection and would like to start one, I have some bags available here on the website!
- Hemp cord
- Scissors
How to Make Button Garlands Instructions
The first thing you need to do before getting started on your button garland is decide which kind you want to make. I usually make mine spaced with a fingertip or two between each button. But I have also made some cute 8″ garlands with all the buttons stacked right on top of each other.
It just depends on where you want to use them. The spaced button garlands are for draping and hanging in other projects. And the stacked garlands get lain down in displays with other items. Once you decide on the type you want, you are ready to get started!
Stacked Button Garlands
- Start by cutting your hemp about 8-10 inches long. Then, using any combination of 2 or 4 hole buttons, just string them one after the other using one hole on each button. After your first button, tie your hemp off to give your garland a good secure base.

Spaced Button Garlands
- Cut your hemp string to the desired length for your garland. Then weave the end of your hemp through two holes on your first button. Work it down to the bottom of your string and then tie it off to make a secure base for your garland.
- If you are using a 2 hole button, that is all you need to do to it. But, for a 4 hole button, cut a small string of hemp, weave it through the 2 holes you didn’t use to thread it. Then tie it off. That way you don’t have 2 empty holes. The extra hemp adds some fun action to the garland!
- Now choose your next button. Thread it onto the hemp and pull it down into position, leaving as much space as you want to between the buttons.
- Continue on in this way until your hemp string is full.

The Wrap Up
And that’s it, friends! It doesn’t get much cuter or simpler than this project. There are so many ways that you can incorporate these garlands into your projects and decor. I hope that I have inspired you to make some of your own!
I would love to see how you use them in your own home. So if you post any pictures of your garlands on social media, tag me so I can check them out! As always, I hope you love this project as much as I do. Happy crafting, friends!

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