I am really craving spring right now. To get me through these last weeks of winter I am pulling out an old spring craft favorite. I am growing grass in cute containers. The results are adorable and they bring new life to our homes at a time when we are most craving it!
By the end of the summer season each year I am over cutting the grass. But, at the end of winter, I am longing for new grass and all the growing things! That makes growing grass a cute spring craft idea with uplifting benefits.
Whether you grow your grass in decorated eggs or another cute spring container, it is sure to brighten your home and your day!

Growing Grass: Cute Spring Craft Ideas
One of the things that I love about this project is that you can plant your grass seeds in just about anything! I love using the egg shells, especially around Easter. But I have also done them in paint cans and cute little watering cans.

You can use anything that will hold water so get as creative as you like! Just remember that if you use eggs you will need something to place them in so they stay upright. I love this cute egg holder in the picture below. I use that for sure but I also have a couple of cute egg cups that I use.
It’s totally up to you what you use, just make sure the eggs will be standing up and that your stand can handle a little water if you drip.

Growing Grass: The Perfect Spring Craft Project for Kids!
If you have kids in your life, the eggs are a really great option. Younger kids will need help cracking the egg and forming the opening. But they can help dump the eggs (my girls have always loved doing this!) and they can definitely get in on the decorating.
If you have younger children or just don’t want to get all the paints out, you can use permanent markers to decorate the eggs instead. Your kids can draw whatever they want on the eggs. We used to love adding funny faces! Then when the grass starts growing it becomes hair for our egg characters.
Another reason this project is great for kids is that the grass grows quickly. Patience is not something many of us are good at as children. Or as adults, for that matter (haha!). But you won’t have to wait long before your seeds start to sprout.
Your kiddos will be able to see the results of their work quickly. AND they’ll be able to give their eggs “hair cuts” after a couple of weeks. I think my girls were able to cut theirs 4 or 5 times before the grass was done.

Growing Grass: Cute Spring Craft Ideas Supply List
- Raw eggs (or any other cute spring container)
- Paints and paint brushes for decorating your eggs
- Potting soil
- Spoon
- Grass seeds
- Water
- Display container for your finished eggs
Step by Step Instructions
- If you are going to use eggs as your container they need to be emptied first. What I did was save my egg shells for a few days. But you could also empty several into a bowl and then save them to bake with or for scrambled eggs. Whatever is easiest for you!
- To empty your eggs, crack them at the smaller end and then gently use your finger to break away enough of the shell to make an opening at the top.
- Once the eggs are empty, rinse them out and leave them to dry.
- Now you can decorate your eggs! Use paints to add cute pictures or floral designs to your shells.
- When your paint is dry, use a spoon to add potting soil to each egg. Tap the soil down after each spoonful so it gets packed down a bit. Fill the eggs a little more than half way. Then sprinkle in a little bit of grass seed. Now add a little more soil to cover your seeds.
- Finally, water the seeds. You want them nice and damp but not soaking.
- Set your eggs in a sunny window and your seeds will sprout in just days!
Caring for your Grass
Grass is a very forgiving plant. Which means that, even if you aren’t a green thumb, you can still do this adorable project! All your grass really needs is some sunlight and a little water.
Choose a sunny windowsill or other sunny spot in your home to keep your containers of grass. If your container is small (like eggs) check them fairly often to make sure the soil doesn’t dry out completely. As long as your grass has sunlight and water, it should keep growing for awhile.
Usually what would happen in our house was that the grass lasted as long as my girls’ interest in it did. We would have fun with them for weeks and then, when the weather would break and we were outside again, our grass eggs would fade from our memories until the next year.
As always, spring teaches us about the circle of life.

The Wrap Up
And that’s a wrap, friends! This is such a fun and easy little spring craft project to do. I used to love doing the eggs with my girls. And now I love trying new things with growing grass as a craft! No matter which direction you take this project in, I hope you love it as much as I do!
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