I have another cute project for you today, friends! I am showing you how to make feather garlands that are the perfect addition to your home decor. They are simple to make (I worked out the kinds already!) and beautiful to display!
I have had an awesome feather garland draped on my vintage ladder for years now. And I love it! One of you asked me to send detailed pics of it so you could figure out how to make one. And that inspired me to figure it out too!
So, after some trial and error. And a couple of switch ups on the technique, I feel confident about sharing it with all of you and showing you how to make feather garlands. So grab your glue gun, and let’s get crafting!

How to Make Feather Garlands
Garland Tips and Tricks
You probably already know this; hot glue goes on really hot. But, as it starts to cool (before it totally hardens) it is malleable. At this point when it is just cool to the touch, you can really squish your feathers into place. Then, when the glue cools completely, your feathers will stay exactly where you put them!
When working with the fluffy feathers, try to resist adding too many. They are so cute that it can be easy to get carried away. But I wanted this to look like a garland. I worried that too many fluffies would make it look more like a boa.
Also keep an eye out as you are gluing to make sure that your feathers aren’t trying to go in a straight line. Mine kept trying to do that to me. I worked to make sure they were pointing out from each other since a straight line of feathers wouldn’t look very full.
Every feather goes its own way on the string. And that’s ok, it’s exactly what we want. That is what gives the garland texture and life.

You Can Make Feather Picks Instead
You probably don’t know this about me, but I actually don’t like garlands very much. I like a little more action on my cabinet tops and mantle than just a garland. And one long whole piece makes it tricky for me to work them into the items that I have displayed.
I love the idea of garlands. And have seen some gorgeous ones. I just don’t like the function of a full piece. So, here is my solution…
Instead of making one continuous string of feathers, I stopped mine after about 18 inches. Then I wrapped the quill end with my jute. This made feathers picks that I can easily stick into my decor. I can work the between my display items along my mantle. Or add them to table top arrangements.
I have nothing against garlands! But making mine into picks works better for my decorating style. You can make yours either way!

Ways to Display Your Feather Garlands
There are all sorts of ways that you can work these feather garlands into your decor. Here are just a few of the ideas that I had…
- Work it into greenery on your mantle
- Hang it on the wall by itself
- Add multiples of them to the tie backs for your drapery
- Weave it in and out on a centerpiece
- Drape it onto a picture frame
- On a banister
- I have one of mine hanging on an old ladder

How to Make Feather Garlands Supply List
- Jute string (thick)
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Goose Feathers (about 30 white and 30 stained)
- Fluffy feathers (just a few)
- Tea bags
- Small pot
- Cookie sheet
- Wire cooling rack
Prepping Your Feathers
- The first thing you want to do for this project is stain some of your feathers with tea. Put about 3 inches of water into a small pot. Then heat the water and add 7-8 tea bags. Let the tea brew and cool.
- Then pour the tea into a cookie sheet. I kept hold of the quill and dipped my feathers individually because I wanted some of the white left at the bottom. If you want your feathers to be completely stained, you can lay them right down and fill your cookie sheet.
- Pull the feathers out and lay them on a wire cooling rack to dry.
- Then add water to dilute your tea. Stain more feathers with the diluted tea. This will give you three levels of color to use in your garland: white, lightly stained, and darkly stained.

How to Make Feather Garlands Instructions
- Start by measuring and cutting 60 inches of jute.
- Now it’s time to attach your feathers. Throughout this process, work in your different colors how ever you want to. I like my garlands with all the colors mixed together instead of large groupings of one color. So I alternated stained feathers with the white ones.
- Put about 2 inches of hot glue on the backside of the quill of one feather. Glue it to the bottom of the string. Then glue another one close behind it.
- Grab another feather and put glue on the quill. Then attach it a few inches higher than the last set. Then add another feather higher on the string and on the other side from your last feather. Make sure that it is pointing out towards the opposite side of the last feather.
- Continue this process up the length of your string, alternating colors and sides as you go.
- Then work your fluffy feathers in to the garland at intervals.
- Then measure down 7 inches from one end and fold it. This will be your hanging loop. Use hot glue to attach the end of your loop to the main piece of jute. Hold them together to let them fuse.
The Wrap Up
And that’s how you make your own feather garlands! Dress them up vintage style or display them as is. I had a lot of fun figuring this project out. I love the results and I hope you do too!
I would love to see how you use them in your own home. So if you post any pictures of your feather garlands on social media, tag me so I can check them out! As always, I hope you love this project as much as I do. Happy crafting, friends!

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