If you know me you know how much I love to create vintage treasures! Today I’m sharing one of my favorite projects with you and showing you how to decorate vintage bottles. I just love these pretty little creations!
One of the things that I always keep my eye open for when I’m antiquing is vintage bottles. You can find them in all shapes, sizes, and colors and then have a blast dressing them up. These little pretties look amazing displayed on their own and in groups and their size means that they will fit well in almost any display. In the video below I show you how to decorate vintage bottles in several different ways. I hope you love these as much as I do!

How to Decorate Vintage Bottles
So the first thing I have to tell you about this project is that there is no right or wrong way to do it! I decorate bottles all the time and no two ever come out the same. What I want to do is give you and idea of the possibilities and your imagination can take it from there! The instructions listed below are for one of the bottles I make in this video but they are really just a basic guideline to get you started. Use what you have and let your instincts take you where they will.
I decorate old bottles and use vintage lace because I love vintage decor but you could absolutely do this with any type of bottle. If you like a more modern look you could use wine bottles and new lace. I use vintage bits and bobs but you could use flowers, jewels, seasonal items etc. Like I said, I just want to give you the basic idea and some inspiration and you can take it from there!
I mentioned that this is one of my favorite projects to do, I create these bottles often. That means that this is not the only video that I have to help you learn to decorate old bottles. Check out my YouTube channel for more bottle videos and lots of other decor tutorials! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a thing! You’ll see in the video that I use hug snug seam binding as ribbon for these bottles. I also use muslin shreds quite a bit. If you want to learn how to make your own muslin shreds for your treasures I have a post for that too!
Decorating Vintage Bottles Supply List
- Old bottles
- Bits, bobs, and baubles like brass tags, cabinet keys, vintage door knobs, old wheels or casters, old pins or broaches and buttons. Definitely buttons!
- Strips of lace (both wide width and thin width)
- Hug snug seam binding and/or muslin shreds
- Piece of cardboard
- Spray adhesive
- Glue gun
Step by Step Instructions
- Start with your thick width lace and wrap it around your bottle to see how long of a strip you need trim if necessary. Next, lay the strip of lace you’ll be using onto the cardboard and coat it with spray adhesive. Now wrap it around your bottle. They spray adhesive should secure the lace to the bottle but you can add hot glue at the seam if it looks like it’s not sticking well.
- Next take some thin lace or hug snug and use hot glue to attach it to the top seam of your thick lace.
- Now use hot glue to add buttons along the edge of your vertical lace seam.
- Next wrap the neck of the bottle with lace, hug snug, or muslin shreds. Use the hot glue to secure it in place.
- Take three strips of lace, hug snug, or muslin shreds and twist them together at the center then wrap around the neck of the bottle and tie them. If you want to make a bow remember that you will need longer strips and measure accordingly.
- Finally and your bits bobs and baubles, this is the really fun part!

I just love how cute these bottles turned out!! They are easy and so fun to do. But if you want to skip the crafting and get right to the decorated bottles I have you covered! I have lots of beautifully decorated bottles available for sale on my website. Whether you decorate them yourself or purchase them ready to display, I hope you love these little pretties as much as I do!
Looking for more decor inspiration? Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

If you love creating vintage treasures as much as I do you can also join my membership group, Tami Loves Creating Vintage Treasures. There you will get exclusive tutorials that will teach you how to create beautiful and unique pieces that will fit perfectly with your vintage decor!
Tammy, you are such a joy to watch doing what you love!
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
Tammy, another great project. Thank you
I love these vintage bottles.
Absolutely love the vintage bottles, I love everything Tami does!
I justg live these! I have tried s few, they don’t look as nice as yours but I keep trying!
I just love these! I have tried a few, they don’t look as nice as yours but I keep trying!
Thank you Ginger, keep trying you will get there. Post any questions you may have I may be able to help.