Happy New Beginning Day!

That’s what I’m calling today. I’m looking at things in a positive way, and hoping you all do, too!
So, our country is starting a new phase, why don’t we?
Is there something you’ve been wanting to try, decorating-wise? Do you have a longing to experiment with new colors or fabrics? Want to find some new gift ideas? Perhaps, there’s a class you’d like to see me offer but weren’t sure how to suggest it. Well…
Let me know!

I’d like you to message me on my Tami Loves Facebook page and ask me your questions or share your thoughts. I love when my customers and friends have decorating ideas or questions for me! That’s what this Blog is about…YOU. Let’s share ideas and have fun. I will respond, I promise!

This is our own community of friends, neighbors, and family…whether you live next door, next town, next state, or across our great country! We are all here to share our love of beautiful things for our homes, and our families. I’d love to hear from you!!