Day 5 of 7 Days of Inspirational Quotes
“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” —Charles Swindoll
Boy is this quote ever true! How many times do we let something small snowball into something huge? Do you sweat the small stuff? Sometimes it’s so hard not to, but we have to remember, most of the things that happen to us on a day-to-day basis are all small stuff. It’s all about how we deal with what comes our way. If you think of 10% of something, that’s not so much. But it’s the 90% part that matters; the way you react dictates how things are going to go.

Here’s an example of how this 10% works:
You’re on your way home from work, just about to exit, and someone cuts you off on the freeway. He flips you a gesture, and nearly hits your car as he swerves in front of you, slamming on his brakes so that you have to veer onto the shoulder to avoid hitting him. What on earth is wrong with people? You have nearly missed your exit because this idiot is having road rage. Stop.
The other 90% is up to you. Do you:
A. Become so flustered that you are now returning the gesture back to him? Who does he think he is? How can some people be allowed to drive? You accelerate to keep on his tail as you make your way up the exit ramp to the stop sign. He intentionally lingers a long time at the stop sign just to annoy you, and flips you the gesture again before turning left. You honk your horn before turning right. You glance at the clock on your dash. You’re going to be late getting home, and your kids will be getting off the bus without you waiting at the end of the drive for them. You panic and speed up, going up a hill near your home too fast. There’s the school bus stopped just over the top of the hill letting off kids on the opposite side. You see the flashing lights as you clear the crest of the hill, slamming on your brakes. The squealing of your tires causes the kids who just got off the bus to turn around and stare at you. The driver of the bus looks mad. She throws her hands in the air in a what-are-you-doing gesture, and shakes her head. You try to look away, but mouth the words “I’m sorry” to her when you pass by after she turns off her flashers and stop sign. You could have caused a horrible accident! But you’re going to be late. Your kids will wonder where you are!! Hurry! You’ve got to hurry!
B. Wonder what has happened to that driver that he’s in such a rage? Remember that you can’t control other people’s behavior but you can control your own. You stay back from him as you continue up the exit ramp leaving a good two car-lengths between you. You avoid looking at him but you see he’s waiting for some type of reaction from you because he keeps looking in his review mirror at you. He takes a long intentional stop at the stop sign, when he has every opportunity to go. Finally, he gestures again and turns left. You come up to the stop sign, wait and turn right. You glance at the clock on your dash. You’re going to be late getting home, and your kids will be getting off the bus without you waiting at the end of the drive for them. You tell yourself it is okay. They are perfectly capable of walking up the driveway, and letting themselves into the house. They know where the key is, and chances are you’ll be pulling in the drive before they’re even in the house. You put a smile on your face. No road-rage idiot is going to get the better of you. You had a good day at work, and now you can go home and make some snacks for your hungry kids. As you drive up the big hill near your house, you remember the school bus is probably there by now. You slow down, and as you crest the hill, sure enough, there’s the bus stopped letting off kids. You stop. When the kids are all off the bus the driver turns off her flashers and stop sign. She waves a thank you to you as you pass by. You’re almost home now.
So what’s it going to be? A or B?
The 10% is something you can’t change, but the 90% is totally under your control. Think about it. In some instances it could have a very significant outcome, good or bad.
I wasn’t familiar with Charles Swindoll, so I did some research. He’s an evangelistic Christian pastor, author, and hosts a radio show. I read some of his other quotes, and I like them, too. He seems like the kind of man who would give you good, honest advice.
Here’s another one of his quotes:
“The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.”
So the next time something happens that causes you to react suddenly, remember that the 90% is up to you! Choose wisely dear friends!
Tami Loves…staying positive, and seeing the good in people.