How weird is it that I can’t stand my clothes to be out of order in my closet? I like them color coordinated. Sometimes it’s hard enough to figure what you want to wear that day. Having my colors coordinated helps me out a lot. Of course almost everything I wear is black, not for any reason other then it’s easy. Black always seems to match black. When I’m wearing khaki and I’m looking for something to go with it it’s always off just a shade and that bugs me. I am a matchey matchey girl. This drives my daughters crazy by the way!! I think it’s just an age thing. These young girls mix colors and patterns and it looks absolutely adorable but when I do it it’s just not quite right and I’m paranoid about it all day long – who needs that aggravation all day. So kudos to you girls who can just hang your clothes up in your closet anywhere you feel like hanging them. For me it’s everything in its place!!